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"A New York, New York Christmas" began as an intimate gathering among friends of friends, consisting of exiled New Yorkers in Oslo.
Over time, it has evolved into one of the nation's warmest and most delightful Christmas traditions. Guided by the leadership of Thor-Erik Fjellvang and Felix Peikli, this enchanting event follows a simple recipe: filling the stage, hall, and bar of Kulturkirken Jakob with the spirit of American Christmas in musical, solid, and fluid forms. The familiar faces take the stage once again, including Felix Peikli, Kim Wigaard Johansen, Bjørn Vidar Solli, Marlen Tjøsvoll, Tracee Meyn, Jo Vemund Svendsen, Thor-Erik Fjellvang, Sven Henriksen, and the ever-youthful Aksel Kolstad, ensuring an unforgettable experience.
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U.S. Embassy in Oslo
U.S. Embassy in Oslo
U.S. Embassy in Oslo
U.S. Embassy in Oslo
U.S. Embassy in Oslo
U.S. Embassy in Oslo
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