Sep 15 & 16, 2023
In a groundbreaking turn of events in 1955, Ella Fitzgerald's career reached new heights when she secured her first engagement at the renowned Mocambo nightclub in Hollywood. Thanks to Marilyn Monroe's influential support, Fitzgerald became the first black performer to grace the Mocambo's stage, marking a significant milestone in the music industry. Today, Fitzgerald remains a revered figure and is rightfully hailed as the queen of jazz, with her timeless legacy enduring as one of the greatest vocalists of all time.
Renowned for her mesmerizing vocal prowess, Sisi Sumbundu has graced the prestigious stage of Club Gustav on numerous occasions, captivating audiences with her extraordinary talent. In a remarkable homage to esteemed artists such as Nina Simone, Sarah Vaughan, and Eartha Kitt, Sumbundu now joins forces with Felix Peikli & Friends for an unforgettable evening at Club Gustav. Prepare to be transported as we pay the utmost tribute to the incomparable queen of jazz, Ella Fitzgerald!
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